Picnic Lunch!

6:12 PM

I woke up early this morning and decided that I wanted to have a picnic. I told Frankie about this idea and she was so excited and suggested we take a bike ride to find a nice spot to have the picnic! I decided to make use of the hummus I made yesterday, so I made something like a potato, zucchini, spring mix, tofu, hummus dish!

20150724_113814_HDRI began by chopping up the potatoes into little pieces and put them all into a bowl and then into the microwave to get them nice and soft! I only put them in for a minute and 30 seconds. While they were in there I turned on the stove and poured a bit of olive oil into it. When the potatoes were ready I put them into the pan to get a nice crispy outside!  
I just recently learned about the microwave trick for potatoes and now I always use it. It is so time-consuming to fry potatoes until they are soft or to even boil them. Softening potatoes is about the only thing I use the microwave for!
20150724_114127_HDR20150724_114037_HDRThen, I chopped up some tofu to throw into the pan with the potatoes and I poured a bit of water into the pan to get the stuff stuck onto the bottom of the pan... unstuck! I didn't want to add spices to anything because I knew I would be putting the hummus in.. so I figured I would just let the array of spices from the hummus take over. I did, though, grind some black pepper on to it. I just mixed everything around, but I did not want the zucchini to get too soft so I threw in the greens on top and turned the stove off and still mixing everything together.
Next, was the zucchini... which I love right now because it is possible to get it locally as it is zucchini season!!!! Such a versatile food. Hot.. cold.. mushed up.. sweet.. I can think of so many ways to eat zucchini. I always need a green color in my food. I remember I had a friend who would only eat yellow foods... It scared me so much that it made me so much more aware of the colors I ate. I would've added a tomato if I made this again. However, we did run into a small garden which had a sign telling us we could eat some.. I took a little cherry tomato. It was so sweet and pleasant.
Anyway, then.. I put the hummus on top! And I noticed my sauerkraut looked extremely reddish pink and.. READY! I did have to add more salt to it because adding water made it taste kind of painful .. and troubling. But with the added salt it was exactly how I like it.
I had a very pleasant day! We saw turkeys and pigs and goats! And I feel full and ready to continue my day :)

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